I thought you might want to hear that little Raisin, now named Zea May (after the Latin name for corn) is now nearly grown up. She now weighs a bit over 6 pounds, which is the smallest cat I've ever had, but she is healthy and active and has a nice glossy coat. She must have some Siamese in her family tree, as she is so slinky, with really long legs and tail. She has mostly outgrown the "nursing" although she still does it about once a day but only for a minute or less.
It did take a long time for her digestive track to settle down. After treating her for hookworms and giardia with little benefit, we stumbled upon a treatment that uses digestive enzymes. It worked so well, we shared it with our vet and thought you might benefit from this info too. This is a safe and low cost treatment and our vet was impressed. The link is: http://ezinearticles.com/?Natural-Treatment-For-Giardia&id=1925644
After introducing her gradually to the outdoors under supervision, we now let her use her cat door during the day. Zea has become quite a hunter, which is what we had hoped for. She sleeps mostly at night and has settled into the routine of having her door opened each morning so she can go in and out and in and out and in and out........
Anyway, just wanted to let you know our furry little bundle of fun is enjoying life with us, hopefully as much as we're enjoying her. Keep up the great work you're doing.
Thanks again,
Larisa Walk & Bob Dahse
P.S. One day you were on KTTC's Pet of the Week and Zea may have recognized your voice, as she stared at the TV while you were talking (or maybe she was looking at the cat you were holding). Wish she could tell us.